Innovation management
3 ways, all strong
As part of our business, we offer 3 ways to kick start a vertuous circle in innovation and avoid the disastrous : things are going badly we need to innovate !
Start-up factory
For large groups, big companies and investment funds. The aim is to outsource to Groupe Zebra an ambitious transformation project of existing business or the creation of new services or products. In both cases the need is to accelerate and reduce risk.
It is a 2 step process :
Phase 1 : 180 days to structure the new company. Through 3 major iterative cycles (Value proposition, Test & Learn, Structuration). The original idea is challenged, transformed into a business model tested in agile mode then made into a business plan to be presented for validation to top management.
Phase 2 : Development. Groupe ZEBRA experts in R&D, design, prototypes, co-drive with you the project up to industrialisation as we are currently doing for Groupe MICHELIN.
Lean innovation
Lean Management has allowed companies to near operational excellence. In the same way our LEAN INNOVATION approach lets our clients improve the performance of their innovation processes.
Our teams intervene at every step of the process to introduce new methods and tools to favour decision making and operational intelligence in a context where innovation and development processes are still sequenced and not truly multi-disciplinary.
Par time Innovation Manager
Not all companies can afford an innovation department, a lab or any other grouping. Marketing and R&D professionals are not trained enough or sufficiently experienced to take on innovation management given what is required nowdays.
Groupe ZEBRA can detach to such companies a part time expert whose purpose is to make things happen be it the boosting of ideas, project prioritisation, identifying the value in R&D, optimising product development and in the end getting the whole process to evolve.
Management Consulting in Lyon : a must !
Our managment consulting gets our clients to improve the performance of the innovation process.
Our teams intervene at every step of the process to introduce new methods and tools to favour decision making and operational intelligence in a context where innovation and development processes are still sequenced and not truly multi-disciplinary
Where to start ?
Rather than start with diagnostics or « cold » methodology, a workshop with top management is necessary to establish a map of existing projects, recent initiatives and failures, then a second phase of identification of opportunities in order to rank projects, build teams and set a rythm.