Accell Group – Lapierre Cycles
What motivates me everyday is the opportunity to transmit a legacy
Danone Africa Dairy products, bottled water, medical and infant nutrition
Achieng Butler Marketing Director
The important thing is to go to the end of your concept and believe in it until the end
3D prod 3D printing solutions
Quentin Kiener CEO
Innovation is already to be able to address all subjects without taboos
Tryba Designer, manufacturer & installer of PVC joinery
Michel Dol General manager
Good practice for innovation: design thinking
Vilmorin jardin French producer of seeds
Carole Hus Marketing Director
Any product that needs a manual to work is broken" E. Musk
ABGI GROUP Management and financing of innovation
Bruno Demortière PDG d'ABGI Group & DG d'ACIES
Capitalize on the data
Véolia Management of the water, waste and energy cycle
Yolande Azzout Innovation & Transformation Director
Go to meet other leaders, get out of his business, his framework ...
Visiativ Software publisher
Laurent Fiard Co-president
What makes a company worth it is its human ecosystem
Meersens Rapid environmental test solutions (air, waves, UV, pesticides, gluten, water ...)
Morane Rey-Huet CEO
When you grow up you'll be an engineer
Waoup The movement of the hitchhikers to innovate in circles
Hervé Kleczewski Co-founder
Stay hungry stay foolish to be able to shake things up
SBT Human(s) Matter Accompaniment for the development of individuals within organizations
Alexandre Beaussier Associate Director