LAPIERRE’s Overvolt GLP2 wins the Design & Innovation Award!

Since 2012, the Design & Innovation Award has been presented to the most successful products. This year, in the category of electrically assisted mountain bikes, the Overvolt GLP2 from LAPIERRE had the honor of receiving it.

Our Eye.novation methodology, based on the close observation of the riders and the transfer of creativity, has allowed us to a refocusing of the masses and a lowering of the centre of gravity, inspired in particular by the racing car.

This innovation allows this mountain bike with electric assistance to offer incomparable manoeuvrability while also becoming lighter.

3 letters: G L P for Gravity Logic Project which express an original approach. The bike’s behaviour and steering are at the heart of the design. This was no less necessary for a rider as demanding and talented as Nicolas Vouilloz.

Far removed from the world of assistance bikes, this “machine” with its committed aesthetics allows a result on the ground without appeal.
Design & Innovation Award’s jury, made up of experts, journalists and engineers, has thus designated it as one of the most promising innovations in the cycle industry.

9 years of collaboration & several generations of bikes

Its predecessor, the Overvolt GLP had already been awarded a similar prize in 2017.

This new generation further confirms the brand’s resolutely innovative approach.