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Our long experience and numerous references in the fields of innovation and design have enabled us over the years to sharpen our eye and become experts in observation and strategic consulting. Over the years, we strive to mobilise all our senses to deliver the best customer experience.
Nothing is left to chance, be it observing user needs, knowledge of processes and products, security or ergonomics.
We put our heart into conceiving objects which combine aesthetic, comfort, performance and practicality. Keep up to date with all our news, our projects, our new collaborations or our favorites are available here.Filter by category:
Canal+ comes to visit GROUPE ZEBRA
Curious to know more about the major trends in the biscuit market and to imagine what might be the future development in terms of innovation…
GROUPE ZEBRA wishes you a Happy New Year, Intermedia gives a thumbs up
"If you follow trends, don’t forget to be original. Because if you just follow fashion, you’re guaranteed to be invisible."
The carbon Overvolt model of Lapierre wins the Design & Innovation Award
After winning the Eurobike Design Award last August, the Overvolt AM carbon 900+ was awarded once more for its innovative technology that is revolutionizing the…
Décembre – Newsletter – Back to the future
Need inspiration to innovate? Every month, we share with you the best and latest developments in terms of innovation. And we take advantage of these…