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Spotlight – Is ultra-personalisation a necessary step to stand out and exist tomorrow?
Spotted this week: THE APOGE OF CUSTOM FOOD What we remembered for…
«KEY PLAYERS IN INNOVATION» THE WEB COMMUNITY TO FOLLOW This Web platform is dedicated to company directors and aims to…
«It’s a sign of the times»: The latest UX trends
User eXperience seems to be the latest buzzword right now. In fact, we’re talking more and more about…
Examples of our work
Ranging from the «pickle elevator», something firmly associated with Unilever, to the strategic repositioning of Tryba, through to the well-loved Signal toothbrush with suction pads…
IoT Design Hub: expert advice and project guidance for connected objects
At SIDO, the leading international showroom dedicated to the Internet of Things, the companies EURODECISION, Rtone, and GROUPE ZEBRA announced the creation of their IoT…
TRYBA is there for you… GROUPE ZEBRA and Zebrand were there for TRYBA
Strategic support, a new platform and Brand identity, a new Sumo, new National advertising campaigns, new customer focused stores… A wonderful challenge that we were…
Barré & Associés becomes GROUPE ZEBRA
30 years after our company's creation, we are now all united under one banner: to become GROUPE ZEBRA !
Canal+ comes to visit GROUPE ZEBRA
Curious to know more about the major trends in the biscuit market and to imagine what might be the future development in terms of innovation…
GROUPE ZEBRA wishes you a Happy New Year, Intermedia gives a thumbs up
"If you follow trends, don’t forget to be original. Because if you just follow fashion, you’re guaranteed to be invisible."
The carbon Overvolt model of Lapierre wins the Design & Innovation Award
After winning the Eurobike Design Award last August, the Overvolt AM carbon 900+ was awarded once more for its innovative technology that is revolutionizing the…
GROUPE ZEBRA, Who are we?
Innovation: An approach, a strategy and above all a state of mind.…